Lily meets Ty for the first time (Ty fell asleep on the couch.. when Jeff relocated him to his bed the couch pillow went along with them)

Having 2 toddlers so close in age is a challenge no doubt and CHAOS is a good way to describe it.
Ty slept in his bed all night last night. He did need some attention every few hours. Sort of like he wants to make sure we are still here and that all is ok. Jeff and I are working in shifts because even though Jeff is tired he is still not on our time schedule either. So at 2 or 3 am he is wide awake.
Ty seemed to be getting closer to our schedule today and I am praying that tonight will be a night full of sleep for this family of 4.
I don't know why but when I see Lily and Ty together the words "the littles" comes to my mind. So "the littles'' are done with their honeymoon and they have entered the real world of being siblings.
They are still so funny because Lily runs in Ty's room this morning to give him a wake up call.... she practically stands on his head, kisses him, hugs him, turns the light on, and yells WAKE UP TY BABY.
You can just imagine how well the Ty Baby likes this.
Ty and Lily are laughing with each other one minute and pushing each other the other minute. Ty actually never pushed Lily until she did it to him about 3 times. Then he thought that was the norm and decided he could push her right back. The waterworks begin for her and then five minutes later they were running around laughing with each other.
At one point tonight... Ty let out the biggest cry... he was irritated to be sitting at the dinner table..
Well Lily decided she needed to do the same... because (in her words) he scared her....
It was a symphony of cries.... we should have grabbed the video camera for this memory.
Jeff held Ty and Lily was in my lap... they were both crying the loudest of cries and Jeff and I were just laughing our heads off. For some reason it was just comical.
I think it is safe to say that life will never be quiet, boring, or uneventful with these 2.
I was able to get out of the house for an hour and 1/2 this evening to get my hair done.... it was so sweet when I came home because I heard Lily yell "MOMMY MOMMY and then Ty try to say MAMA MAMA just as loud and in the same tone..... they both came flying down the stairs and hugged me.
Sure made my day...
In addition to the fact that Ty loves for me to take his picture.... he might even like it more than Lily..... the verdict is still out on that....
Love the pictures. We are so happy for all of you. For the whole family and extended family. This is a wonderful time in your lives. These children are so lucky. This is what a gift from God looks like. Thanks for keeping all of us updated on your blog and thanks for the pictures.
The moment I have been waiting for has arrived! PICS!!! First I was in tears...then I was laughing. The photo of Lily watching Ty sleep is priceless. In the photo of you and Ty you look like Celine Dion. The crying episode sounds hysterical! I'm so happy for your family of 4! Praying all 4 sleep thru the night tonight!!!
Oh my word, I have just gone back a month in time!! Your two littles are so much like ours. I think Noah learned shoving from Mya too. AND now they are both quick to push/shove/hit/whatever way more than a mom wants them to. Love all the pictures. It is amazing how they can be at one another's throats and then the best of buds in what seems like seconds. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Those pictures are so good! And your post is a hoot. The littles will keep you entertained for sure! Although, maybe the crying was due to the lousy dinner someone brought. Ha!!
Your pictures tell a story of love...and maybe a little war at times between siblings; but one thing is for sure, the littles have a wonderful Mom & Dad and a beautiful future together. Love the sweet picture of Lily touching Ty's face - and your text is a riot! Love all of you 4-ever! Love, Mom
How sweet are your two? It looked like Ty did not move when Lily came in to see him. The pictures are great. Love it!
So happy for you guys!
Love, Jen
For so long, it seemed, we could only imagine how things would be when Ty arrived. How would Lily feel and act? What would Ty's reaction be in such a new environment? No way did I ever imagine the happiness that these pictures show! What a wonderful thing to see!!! My heart is full of happiness for all of you!
Love, Auntie Maxine
How precious! What a lovely family of 4! I am so happy for you all. Lily and Ty are so blessed to have you two as parents. I love reading your blog and seeing you great pictures.
Cathy Beamenderfer
Yes, pictures! The littles seem like two peas in a pod. Their absolutely adorable! Ty looks like he's adjusting quite well. Enjoy this time, they grow so fast.
Thank you thank you thank you for the pictures and update. Sounds just like siblings should (or two cousins who also happen to be half a year apart :-).
What a blessing that everything is going well, more or less. Even if it is chaos!
Love Lily's Big Sister photo - she looks just so proud! And the one of them eating snacks. Food just has a way of bringing people together I guess. Heh.
Have fun figuring it all out ... the whole sibling rivalry thing that is! The pics are great and I am so happy that it is Ty's turn to be with his family!!! I know you are in for a lot of fun, because I met your little man! I think he is cute and knows how to use it! What a great combination! Have Lily call Abby and they can discuss the whole "how can a princess share the parents, etc" thing!!!
I am happy for you guys! Rebel
I love seeing Ty and Lily together. I especially love seeing him with you. You're right, life will never be the same! Your days are going to be full...I know you will enjoy every minute of it.
So glad to see the pictures!! Lily and Ty are so sweet!! I am so happy for you! You and Jeff are going to give them the best life and they will be the best things to ever happen to you!! Thanks for sharing your days-you've done an awesome job with the blog. We really enjoy it!
For some reason the previous comment didn't show my name-so you know Tiff-it's from Cheryl!!!
Ty baby is such a little cutie! We have two 3 year olds and I will agree that nothing descibes it better than CHAOS! : )
Thanks so much for the pretty card! I hope the sleep schedule is where it should be...I remember how tough that can be.
Seriously, you have the cutest kids ever! They are absolutely beautiful!!! I can't wait to squeeze on them.
I am so happy that you are a family of four!!!!!!!! Welcome home Ty Baby!!!
Yay!!!! So happy that "The Littles" like to have their pictures taken!! You are such a blessed Mama (albeit tired!) Your children are so beautiful & their smiles are contagious:D So happy to see pictures of their snack sharing!
Congratulations! I just found your blog over on MJC's blog. Your family is beautiful. We just returned in Jan. with our second daughter. We've seen more pushing, shoving, pinching, biting in the last eight weeks than I'd care to admit. But the two princesses dancing and hugging is priceless! Congrats again!
I just love seeing the pictures of them together! They are SO CUTE together! I can't wait to see more to come! :)
How sweet to see them together!! They are really blessed to have you as their parents....They both are so cute...i am looking forward to more pictures of both of them together...and i truly loved reading your blog since last year...Take care!!
How fun - I love to see siblings united!!! God is Good!!!
Honey, the children are so precious. Enjoy your time off with them. Congratulations to the family!
new reader to your blog and so glad I found it...Awesome
It is so wonderful to see those cuties together at last!
Glad things are going (chaotically) well! Enjoy your life as a family of four and I do hope you get some sleep soon.
Wow!! Congratulations on being afamily of four!! I love that shot of you and ty! I have been looking at that same toddler bed but am still so confused as to what to get. How did you find out from the orpanage?
You seem to be so calm and handling everything so smoothly, I am amazed.
God Bless you all. What a fanastic and special time!!
Hi Tiffany, I saw your comment on Sharon's blog and thought I'd check yours out. Congratulations on your new son!!! I'm so happy to find another couple who have adopted a boy. We adopted our son, Nate, in August 2007 from Chongqing when he was 10 months old. He is 18 months now and it feels like he has been with us since day 1. You can check out our blog at:
P.S. Our son attached to my husband first too, even though we both went to China. He did not even reach out to me until after we got home, but now he's very attached to both of us.
Wow, welcome home Ty baby! It's so great to see him in his home with his family!!
He is so adorable and I love all that you shared about "the littles"~ too funny and I'm glad you are at least able to laugh about it all. He looks so adorable sleeping in his bed in his handsome room and how cute to see them side by side eating snacks. :)
My heart is just overflowing for your family!!
Running through your blogs stealing pictures...had to re-read everything about Ty's coming home again. Still brings tears of happiness! Had to re-read all of Lily's, too, at least the first part of this new blog.
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