(Tuesday pm Ohio time)
Seeing Ty with Jeff is just such a blessing! I have to pinch myself to make sure what I am seeing is real. I LOVE IT!
I was just getting ready to do an update with Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, and Forbidden City pictures when I got a call from Jeff (on Skype... so far I love Skype). He has Ty in his arms!
Dad reports that Ty looked a little scared at first and cried a good bit on the bus going back to the hotel. He doesn't want to let go of Jeff which is certainly a good thing.
I could hear him whimpering a little when Jeff and I were talking (Jeff was holding him) and then suddenly Ty was asleep.
What a big day for our little guy (for Jeff and Grandpa also). The only world Ty has ever known just changed drastically. With a very patient dad like Jeff I know the boys will be ok.
*Ty's CWI (orphanage) is WONDERFUL. They sent a baby book with Ty complete with a picture he recently drew. *
We also received some pictures the other day from a volunteer... they were of Ty at 8months old. Truly a blessing to receive these precious pieces of his life.*

I just love this......They are both sleepy

On the home front~ Lily and I went out to dinner tonight with a group of friends that we met through FCC (Families with Children from China). We have been friends with this small group for over 2.5 years.
Going out to dinner with this group was the best place for Lily and I to be tonight. It gave us a chance to talk about Gotcha Day coming up in just a few hours but we also celebrated the youngest member (at 11 months) Sophie coming home just a few weeks ago. Her mom and dad have been waiting for her for a LONG time. We have all been so excited for her to come home.
It was so much fun and kept me from sitting anxiously at home.
The only thing we didn't do was get a group picture. I have some of the kiddies and I will get those posted soon.
Thanks guys for a great dinner!
Congratulations Tiffany!!! It seems like Jeff just left Chicago and now Ty is in his arms!!! What a handsome fellow! The little boys look so cute with their shaved heads don't they? I'm shedding tears of joy for you my friend! You are officially a mommy to 2 toddlers! Congratulations Lily...your a big sissy now!!!
Love and hugs from St. Louis!
Congratulations Tiffy, Jeff, and Lily! You have a beautiful son and Miss Lily has a brother - you'll soon be "one happy family". I'm sending a big hug and kiss to all of you! Big sis Lily you're the best too! Love, Grandma
Congratulations!!!It is so precious to see Ty in his Daddy's arms! I am sure your heart just melts when you see the photos.
Lily...you must be so excited to have a brother that you can play with now. We are so happy for you!!
Congratulations!!! Ty is just so darn cute! When big sister Lily gets next to him they'll make the sweetest little siblings anyone has ever seen. Hang in there Tiffany it won't be long before their home and Ty is in his momma's arms. God is Good!
Yippeee! I am thrilled for all of you. He is so handsome. Wishing everyone the best!
Dan, Jen, Jasmyn & Jewel
It is so special to see Ty next to Jeff. (Daddy Jeff looks tired but very serious and very responsible)
This is a wonderful day -- congratulations to all four of you..
Mike & Max
It is so special to see Ty next to Jeff. (Daddy Jeff looks tired but very serious and very responsible)
This is a wonderful day -- congratulations to all four of you..
Mike & Max
Congratulations!!! Ty looks just perfect in his Daddy's arms. I love seeing this...it seems like he just got there and now he has your SON!! Can't wait to see more of your handsome guys!!
Congratulations! How wonderful! It looks like the boys are doing well, but I bet you can't wait to give them ALL a hug when they get home!
Oh it's GREAT to see Daddy and son together! :)
I love the sleepy picture too.
That is such incredible news!
It is wonderful to see Ty in the arms of his daddy...congratulations Tiffany!
Even though Mike already sent a message I just had to add a word or two (as usual)! It's a great day for a lot of people around the world as we can see for our very own eyes that Ty is with his dad and his grandpa!!! Grandma Collier said "oh, that little boy doesn't know how good his life will be". Congratulations!
Lots of love, Auntie Maxi
Yippee!!! Congratualtions....Thank you Lord! It brings tears of joy to see Ty in the arms of his forever Daddy!! We love you guys!
Jess, Michael and Mackenzie
I have goosebumps all over.....I will pray that everything continues to go well until they can return home! ;)
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