She said, "HE TALKS MOM".
On to Jeff's update....
We met at 9am to go to the Provincial History Museum. This museum looks WAY back - the history in this area is very rich, and documented about as well as anywhere. There was a skull displayed 1.5 million years old and many artifacts from across this ancient Chinese secret. Ty was bored out of his skull.
Then she took us over to the Moslem Street area. It was kind of like going to Chinatown in China. This place was extra crazy and busy and dirty. In some back alleys we found some treasures, and then the souvenir alley didn't stop. It kept winding and winding around - about a mile of tiny trinkets. All the store owners are Muslim and apparently the stores and area isn't regulated by the government, kind of like a reservation. Two of the shop keepers asked me if Ty was a Chinese boy and said, "you're a good man. Thank you." Not sure why they both said that but it was the first time anyone had said anything like that here. It was interesting that it was the Muslim guys who said it.
I asked Sherri (our guide) if she could help us find Ty some better shoes. Sunday is her day off but she took us to a 7 floor mall-type megaplex to find him some decent shoes. There was a McDonalds that is on the bottom floor of that place where we ate lunch. Ty likes McDonalds - he got a chicken mcnugget happy meal. I tasted one of his and they have a Chinese zing to them - too spicy for America. After that we had to fight back crowds to get a cab back to our hotel.
Ty took a 2.5 hour nap - I think he's behind in his sleep. He pretty much hates his crib so I let him doze off on my bed. It's nearly impossible to wake him up once he's asleep (a blessing in this hog-snoring environment) so I can easily move him into it once he's out. He woke up and went right for his new shoes. He seems to really like them.
The doorbell rang late in the afternoon and it was Sherri - she stopped by to drop off some souvenirs that we couldn't find when shopping this week. Sunday was supposed to be her day off but she took us to the museum, the Moslem Street, then to get Ty's shoes. She's very dedicated to her people and goes way beyond.
We walked about a mile to Flying High Pizza, then stopped at the market on the way back to get art supplies and water. The crayons we first got ended up being the greasiest messy things - we bought colored pencils to see if that works. We thought about getting a pencil sharpener, but I assumed they would have one end pre-sharpened. Grampa was whittling away tonight getting them ready for him.
Ty Speaks English
It was a little early to go to bed when we got back from the store so we sat down at the 2nd floor lounge to watch people come in and out of the hotel - it overlooks the entrance. We sat down and I got out my pictures in my wallet and showed him Lily and Mom and got him saying "Hello Lily" and "Hello Mom" and he was repeating everything I was saying. We went through a Chinese activity book and I pointed out everything in them and he repeated it. Then he looked down and yelled "Hello" at people coming and going. I brought a Baby Einstein around the house DVD for him to begin to learn the words of household things. He was glued to that for 45 min., but was really afraid and cried in fear of a puppet mouse that was in it. I don't think he's watched many on-screen images so he was probably getting a little mixed up.
After that he stretched out on my bed and went right to sleep.
Ty Baby laughing

How amazing that Ty can say Hi Lily already! Love Lily's comment. Ty just looks so happy. I can't wait for the next update! :)
Oh Happy Boy is just too cute for words~ I just love the picture of him laughing!
And I'm so glad "he talks"! :D
I loved this update! Jeff is so funny - I can just imagine Doug at a history museum, he would have been bored too. :) Thanks for letting us follow along in your journey. It will be so fun to see Lily and Ty together!
Wow!!!! Amazing shots and adventures. What a cutie he is. Thank you so much for sharing! It is great to see everything going on and hear the details. God Bless!!!!
Thank goodness for Sherri, huh? What a great day - your hubby does a great job journaling things!! How sweet that he is learning some English - especially for Miss Lily! I can't wait to see the 2 of them together!!
It's amazing to see the transformation these little ones make in just a few days. You can really see Ty opening up and looking more relaxed. Love his little smile.
I love reading your husbands daily updates and the pic's of China. When we left it felt like we were leaving a part of our hearts in China. It brings back so many wonderful memories and just warms my heart.
Just look at that precious, happy, little Ty baby! So nice to see him so happy!!!
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