So far everyone thinks that Jeff is doing a great job with the updates and I TOTALLY agree. From someone that loves to record all the details and take TOOOOOOO many pictures I am so proud of him. He knows that means the world to me. The fact that he finds the time to do it while taking care of Mr. Ty might not be the easiest thing in the world.
SO here is our little system in case anyone wonders....
Jeff updates a document for each day with the daily journal and pictures. I take the update and pictures and put it on the blog. I add all the comments to the pictures. That is our system. China has what some refer to as the Great Firewall when it comes to accessing blogs. You can't access a blog in China.
Here is the daily update.... from Guangzhou...
We got to sleep in this morning and had a late breakfast looking over the Pearl River watching the barges go by. Ty ate a bunch of scrambled eggs and yogurt. We met our new bigger group at 10am and went to the physical examination and visa photo shoot. The photo shoot was first and went great - Ty was last so he watched the others and knew just what to do when it was his turn. The medical exam was an exercise in screaming and tears. They were really nice and gentle and barely touched him. When they weighed him they put him on a small scale but if you could only hear what was going on you might have thought he was in a torture chamber. He is 33" tall and 28+ lbs.
We went back to the Swan and did our paperwork together in the lower lobby on red couches. Many soft-rock renditions of your favorite 80s hits were piped in for our listening pleasures. Ty and Grandpa walked out by the pool and enjoyed at great lengths the parakeets in the big cage. Ty likes the big goldfish too - we have to hang on because I think he would jump in and try to catch one.
Had lunch at Lucy's and I FINALLY got to eat what I've been waiting for: spicy minced pork. It was as good as I remember, and I hope to have it one more time before I go. I took a close up picture to take back and show the fine Chinese establishments to see if their chefs can replicate it.
We went down to the freezing pool but couldn't go in - Grandpa did, but I was afraid Ty would turn blue.
This afternoon playing with Ty he's really talking to us (in Chinese).
We went to the Cow and Bridge Thai restaurant (for Ty food, of course) and the food was great, the service was slightly difficult, and Ty made a nest of rice, congee, spring rolls, and watermelon beautifying juice under his high chair. I caught him taking handfuls of rice and reaching under his tray and dropping them on the floor. He saw me watching and he tried to say "hot!".
The Wrights were with us and they ordered Lily beef congee. That sounds really gross but we found out Ty is a congee monger. He ate every bit she didn't want, tipped the bowl and licked it clean and asked for more. After that we walked to the honorable 7/11 store and got ice cream bars. Ty is in favor of those too. Then we walked back to the Swan to enjoy the nightly light show but the display was disappointing compared to what I remember. It was July, and I'm sure they crank it up in the high season.
*** FROM TIFFANY..Jeff mentions this nightly light show and music. I must say that when we were in Guangzhou and staying at the White Swan Hotel for almost 2 weeks I started to look forward to this nightly display. The whole River lights up and the music is blaring.
It always amazed me that Lily would sleep right through it (it didn't start until almost 9pm and lasted almost an hour). At first I thought it was the most annoying thing but after a few days I was singing along to songs (not very well by the way.... they were all in Chinese) and when we went home I surprised myself when I actually missed it.
Are you sure I can't get one of those big fish

Certainly not a fun picture for a mom to see... especially one on the other side of the world just waiting to see and hold this cutie for the first time...
Then I reminded myself they are only taking his weight....

So cute holding Dad's hand.... I love it!

Yeah...another update! The falling asleep during the meal is priceless! Love the photo of Ty holding daddy's sweet! There are so many things about China to fall in love with...there must be hidden subliminals because we keep going back. :) Lucy's has the best chicken congee...Lauren LOVED it and so did the other little girl we were traveling with. We always ordered at least 2 bowls. You guys truly work like a team...thank you for sharing your beautiful journey!
Another fabulous update! I love all the pics. The one with Ty holding his daddy's hand is soooo sweet!...that one needs to be framed! I also love the one with him falling asleep at the table and then Grandpa, oh sweet and proud Grandpa, holding his little head. Tiffany, he is soooo precious! I seriously don't think God could have given you a cuter little boy, because he is the cutest!! It almost makes me want a boy...remember, I said almost...not yet...heehee!
Thanks so much for all the updates...there hasn't been a day that I have not looked at the blog before heading to bed. I fill Michael in every night and show him all the pics! =) He says Ty is the cutest as well. Loves the backpack!!!
OMW.....I just read through all the updates.....all the "boys" look like they are doing fabulous amazing....only a few more days Momma and you will be a family of 4! ;)
Oh, bless his heart. He is such a little cutie and falling asleep sitting up is just precious. And Doug loves his backpack, and wants to know if Ty wants to play trains sometime. :)
Hi Tiffany,
Thinking of you. I enjoy following along and the pictures are great. Only a few more days! You and Jeff are so awesome!
I pray they have a safe return!
Love, Jen
I have to agree that your hubs is doing a terrific job on the updates!! They look like they are all doing well. What a cool thing to have daddy and gramps pick up little Ty. I'm pretty excited to see you all together. BTW, Noah has that same backpack!! So fun.
You are so right - Jeff is doing a great job! I love the picture of little Ty holding Jeff's hand, and his backpack is adorable! He is dressed so cool too.What is especially neat is the love that shines in the faces of the three guys. Russ loves it that Ty makes a mess, they will be soul-brothers! Love, Mom
I love his little backpack!! He is such a little man. Good info about not accessing the blog form China- nice to have someone at home who can report to the world!! Thanks, Mama!! That was a heartbreaking picture of Ty at the doctor's office...& they weren't even hurting him - poor baby!
Aww...I love the pictures of Ty watching the fish and the one of him falling asleep while he eats. Ella does the same exact thing!
We were in GZ for the full 2 weeks with Sophie's adoption and going down to the river and watching the light show was a nightly event for us. Now, mind you there are not a whole lot of other options while in GZ...but we really enjoyed it. We especially enjoyed watching the little girls from China doing dance routines(to the music)...they were so cute!!
Ty is SO CUTE! I love his backpack and all the cute pictures of him! I also love the one of him holding Dad's hand. That is priceless! It won't be long until he is home now! :)
Ty looks so cute with his little backpack! The pictures of him smiling more than make up for the pictures of him crying! Poor little guy! He clearly is bonding with Jeff, which is a great thing to see! What a journey - thank you for taking us along with you! Some of the best traveling I have ever done!!! Love, Auntie Maxine
Awwwww, I am so touched to see those photos. You must be so impatient to welcome them home! Ty looks so smart and cute with his backpack.
I miss Guangzhou!
What an absolutely beautiful little boy. We have a Ty too (Tyler). Robin is a very dear friend of mine, so when I saw her post about you I just had to come and see your new son. Congratulations!
Wow...your Jeff is doing an amazing job with all the updates and wont be long now before that darling little boy is in your arms...I cant wait to see those pictures!
I am loving reading your blog! It has brought back lots of memories of our trip in Sept. Our Xi'an boys are very similar. Zachary does the exact some thing with this hand when he is mad! I am so glad things are going so well.
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