Here is what we initially pictured for the departure~
~Grandma and Grandpa Ed head down to our house
~The weather would be cold but no thoughts of snow ever came into this wonderful picture
~I drive the guys to the airport and take departing pictures of them and all the suitcases
Here is what actually happened~
~Friday we hear it is going to snow A LOT on Saturday
~Grandpa Ed heads this way to avoid driving in the blizzard that was coming on Saturday
~Saturday Columbus receives 20.4 inches of snow
~All flights in and out of Port Columbus are canceled
~I scramble around to get everything finished so.....
~Jeff and Grandpa Ed can drive to Chicago (where their flight to Beijing is scheduled to leave at noon on Sunday)
~Lily and I lose power for 4 hours (could have been longer but still not fun on an already very stressful day)
~Lily and mom camp out by fireplace
~Lily decides she is too hot, it is more fun to play, and she would rather sleep in her COLD room
~Power back on after midnight (Thankfully)
~Jeff and Grandpa Ed make it to Chicago and stay near the airport
For months now we've known that Lily and I are staying at home while Jeff and Grandpa Ed travel to China. It was an answer to our prayers that things worked out this way but still didn't make yesterday any easier.
Jeff and I loved our trip to China for Lily so much! Might have something to do with the fact that we were at the White Swan in Guangzhou for all but 1 night of our trip. More than that it was that Lily did wonderful and we loved our time with her in China SO much.
It was just the best few weeks ever!
Even though we know this journey could and will likely be 100% different it is still hard not to be going as a family.
It was one of those days that every plan kept changing and there seemed to be no certainty.
Now just so you know I am not regretting our decision about me staying home and today is a new day. After many prayers last night it was refreshing to wake to sun and fun today. Lily and I both slept in and then played in the snow. I have NEVER (not even as a kid) been one to enjoy snow or playing in it but today I really liked it. Lily enjoyed it but after 10 minutes she said, "I need to go in now...bye mom".
Jeff and Grandpa Ed were happy about their decision to drive to Chicago. After a good sleep and delicious breakfast they headed to the Chicago airport. Their plane had some mechanical problems which delayed their departure another hour but eventually they were on their way.
The flight isn't full so apparently they have so room to stretch out for their 13.5 hour flight. Jeff said, "This plane is no luxury liner".
In Jeff's words....... I'm digging a hole to China

Loaded and ready to roll...... you would think Tiffany was going with all these suitcases.... this doesn't include Grandpa Ed's one suitcase.......
In Tiffany's defense...... having 3 suitcases was Jeff's idea..... I could have squeezed everything into 2
In Tiffany's defense...... having 3 suitcases was Jeff's idea..... I could have squeezed everything into 2
I am SO sorry everyting went awry! Oh my goodness...what a story you have to tell Ty when he is older! I know it must be difficult to be saying bye to hubby and not traveling with him...but you have such a wonderful attitude about it. And this time you have your sweet Lily, which makes staying home worth it. And look at the quality time you will have with Lily before your time is split between two children. :) In 2 weeks Ty will be home and you will be a family of four. Woohoo! Come on Gotcha Day!
Hugs from St. Louis!!!
Wow! What a story, but I am glad to hear that they made it to Chicago safely and the plane took off (eventually!). Please tell Uncle Ed and Jeff that we are praying for them. We are praying for you and Lily as well. I hope you have a fun filled, no more snow, two weeks...what great bonding time! If you get bored, you could always fly out to Washington. We are having beautiful weather...60s. =) Lot of love!
Godspeed to Jeff, Grandpa Ed, and Ty...We're sure things will go much more smoothly for the rest of the trip. See you soon!!!
Holly and Randy
I've been thinking of you all day today, wondering how things were going. I'm so glad to hear that Jeff and his dad are now safely on their way. I know it must be hard not to be traveling, but cherish every moment with Lily, soon your time will be divided between Ty & Lily. As you wrote to me a little over a year ago just try to be patient while Jeff is away because your dreams are definately still blooming! You're in our thoughts and prayers!
Oh Tiffany, what a send off!! So glad that everything has worked out okay in the end.
You've made the best decision for your family by staying back with Lily. I admire that.
Simply cannot wait to see those first pictures of Ty with Jeff and Grandpa. We'll be checking in regularly.
Oh Tiffany, I'm getting so choked up seeing the suitcases in the back of the car and knowing that they are now in China ready to bring your baby boy home~ it's overwhelming and beyond exciting!! I'm glad everything worked out and I will continue to keep your whole family in my prayers over the next few weeks. Enjoy your special 'girls only' time with Lily~ keep warm and be safe and know that you all will be together again soon~ plus one! :)
Sending big hugs your way my friend~
Tiffany...that was quite a day you all had! I am sorry things were so hectic with the snowstorm. You are so right...things never go quite as we plan.
Glad to hear they are on their way to Ty!! Looking forward to hearing all about their trip.
I have been thinking about your family today! I am certainly praying for all of you! It seems so amazing that they are actually off to get Ty!! I can't even imagine what you are feeling! What does Lily say?
I can't wait to see pictures of Ty in his Dad's arms...and of course home and as a family of 4!!!!!!! :)
OMW.....I just can't wait! I'll keep them in my prayers!
I had been thinking of you guys all weekend! Thanks for letting us know Jeff and Gpa Ed made it safe to Chicago. If you need anything while they are gone, please call me!
I was thinking of Jeff with the snow coming. I'm glad they drove to Chicago. We were lucky - the snow stayed sout east of us so we only ended up with 4 instead of the 10 they said we would get! Can't wait to see Jeff with Ty!
Jen, Dan & the Girls
What a weekend! I'm so glad that Jeff & Ed were able to take off on Sunday, even though it was a rough start. You'll never forget this season; but always remember Ty Olsen is the reason. Miss Lily is such a sweet and grown up little girl; she will be a great comfort to you, just like you were to me! Love you all and will continue prayers. Love, Mom/Gamma
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