Sunday, May 31, 2009

LOTS of eyes

Lily has a HUGE collection of sunglasses.... Ty even keeps his in her collection..... but we can never find a pair when they really need them. Go figure.... however they have no trouble finding them for times like this... hee hee

Here is the replay....
I hear the littles giggling like crazy
I walk into the kitchen (location of such giggling)
Me... you guys are so silly and then I started giggling when I saw them loaded up with sunglasses
Lily....aren't we silly goofballs mom?
Me... OH YES you are.... and you are cute little goofballs
Lily...thanks mom and we can see so well with all of these eyes
Ty....LOTTA LOTTA eyes momma want to take our picture don't you?
Ty...take a picture momma of LOTTA LOTTA eyes
Lily...get your camera quick because we are busy, busy

I take several pictures

Littles (in unison).... we want to see our silly pictures.....

Their reaction to the pictures......

Lily... Ty we are so silly
Ty... We are so silly LIL
They run off giggling and jumping around.... glasses flying everywhere....


Faith, Hope, and Love said...

That is too funny!!! They are so stinkin cute!!!!

Hope you had a nice weekend!


Shirley H. said...

my monday blue is gone~ they are so cute~

Anonymous said...

How adorable! It's easy to "see" they are the happiest littles with or without all those eyes! Love their fun pictures and I love the photographer too. Their words are so cute! Love, Mom

amanda77kr said...

That is priceless!

Don and Denise Sullivan said...

That is hilarious! Great shots!

The Ordinary Horse said...

Adorable; absolutely precious silliness. I loved this post!! How fun!

Anonymous said...

I like these "lotta eyes"! A new trend, maybe?

LOve, Auntie M.