Lily and Ty go to the same preschool (she is in the older group) and she goes one day more than Ty each week.
He isn't overly happy about this... in fact the first day he could hardly function without his Lily.
These pictures are from that day. She is holding her Disney Princess CD player (plays little plastic Princess cd's)... they were running around dancing....they were so happy to be back together. They sat down in the window for a little break and Ty gave her a big hug.... he said, "I NOOOOO like you to go to school without me Lil".
She said, "I know Ty baby but you know it is ok" ... then they both started to laugh so hard.
I think back to when Ty first came home and how excited Lily was that first day. Then she thought for a good 2-3 months that sending him back to China might be a good plan (because of course his friends probably missed him).
That suggestion ended the day Jeff and Ty went away for a boy's day. She didn't know what to do without him...... and it has been that way since.
They have been such a blessing to each other. Lily wasn't the most social girl before Ty came home. She wasn't the best in large groups or with groups of children.
We often wondered how she was going to be in school, etc.
Then Ty came along. He was exactly what she needed. She watched him in social settings and picked up what he did. Being the only one to get all of our attention was just fine with her but we could tell she needed a little partner.
On the flip side she was a huge part of his transition into life here.
He knew all of our faces and names (from a picture book that we sent him) but he especially knew Lily. He was so happy to see her! He even said her name when he saw her that first time. She seemed to be a comfort to him.
She helped and continues to help him with his English.... and Spanish... and Chinese. They help each other now.
They fight as any siblings do but they are a pair... a duo.... partners... friends.... and sister.....
When I look at them I am in awe of how God brought them into our lives and to each other.

Oh, these are such beautiful pictures...they tell a story for sure! A very special story!!!!
oh gosh Tiffany, those pictures are so beautiful. I'm so happy Lily has Ty, and Ty has Lily. I know how much they mean to each other cause reading your post was like taking a page from Clara and Lu's lives. It is amazing, miraculous even, how perfectly matched our kids are...I really loved this post!
Beautiful post and your photos are just precious!!
I have a tear in my eye just reading this. These two are sheer perfection. The photos really do tell the story.
I am reminded of the incredible bond I have with my own brother after 41 years of being together. No friend will ever be what he is to baby!
I see your two are well on their way to sharing that lifelong gift of siblings so close in age.
Beautiful post.
very beautiful post..
they are so sweet~ big sister and little brother..
What a special bond - and the pictures make me smile just seeing them laughing together. They are so adorable & your pictures are beautiful. I'm smiling from ear-to-ear just looking at them. You always tell a wonderful story and your blog is such a breath of fresh air. Love you all so much, Mom
This post brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing Lily and Ty are to one another! Beautiful pics as always!!!
Precious indeed, they are two peas in a pod. God made them brother and sister and they sure have a special bond. The photo's prove that.
And what beautiful photos they are.
That's a very thoughtful and touching post! I have a giant grin just thinking about The Littles and how lucky they are to have such cool parents. And how lucky you are to have two great kids!
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