He was running all over the house on his tiptoes (Ty's signature run). He was smiling and laughing like crazy.
He LOVED all of his presents! One of his cards (from Great Grandma Vera) had $4 dollars in it and when he opened it he said, "Two for you Lil, and two for me".
That is just how he is... so giving and such a sweetheart.
A few weeks before his party he said, "Mom, I don't want a cake... I want Mickey cupcakes". So that is what Lily and I made him. He was so excited to see the finished cupcakes.
Lily and I also found a Mickey birthday banner and his little jaw about hit the floor when he saw it. We took it easy on the decorations......I knew with the decorations we did have along with everyone coming over he would be excited enough.... and he was.
As the day went on I thought to myself so many times how blessed we are to be Ty's parents. I also can't believe that the little 2.5 year old that came home to us is now 4 years old. We are so proud of him!

Your stories about your sweet little Ty always bring a tear to my eye. What a blessing he is!!!
Love the cupcakes too!
What a happy birth day celebration Ty had! The cupcakes are beautiful - almost too pretty to eat! Doubt that Ty had any trouble demolishing one or two tho!
Happy Birthday, Ty!
Love, Auntie M.
That is so sweet that he kept saying how happy he is!!! Also about sharing his money with Lily! I think my 2 need to spend some time around your 2...much more sibling bickering going on over here than sharin the love. lol!
Sure looks to me like there is a certain family getting ready over there. Mouse ear party hats and all. : ) So exciting!!!
What a fantastic post and collage of pictures! Happy 4th birthday Ty! Wow, I can't believe the time has flown by either. What a sweetie sharing his b-day money with "Lil". So cute! Looked like a fun party and I teared up hearing how much Ty appreciated it and how happy he was. Sending hugs and kisses. Sarah, Eliza and Ava!!
Ty's 4th b'day was so much fun, he was so excited and so sweet. It is hard to imagine what life was like without Ty and Lily together. They are so special! Thanks for letting us be a part of such a happy and fun day. Love the Littles more than words can say. Love, Mom
Happy birthday T-Y Ty!
What a PERFECT birthday! I love the cupcakes and the banner. Ty is just such a little love...the sharing of his birthday money with his sister just melted my heart!
Oh my just look how big Ty is!!! I can't find your email address. I have bookmarked your blog now though. I love seeing how great you are all doing.
mom to Zachary from Xi'an
Sweet Ty, sharing his birthday money!! Lily must be a greta big sister for Ty to have so much love for her! I love catching up with the Littles!
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