Why?........I think we love it so much because they had no idea I was taking this and it looks like they are striking a pose.
They also look like they are from a different era with Ty's slicked hair, Lily's headband, and their outfits.
We could tell from day one that Lily and Ty were going to be quite the pair. You could just tell they were going to be a great duo.
It is no secret they went through a period of adjustment with each other. We had some rough days... we still do... and I am sure we will continue to have those days.
However, their relationship has changed so much in the last few weeks. They still fight like crazy and are so typical in that brother/sister aspect but they are becoming a team. They stick up for one another and would defend one another to the end.
Lily understands what Ty is saying when none of us can.
They can't stand to be apart for too long. They always know where the other is at.
Lily takes care of Ty and helps him with everything (probably too much sometimes). By the way he loves this!
Lily is the first person that Ty asks for each day.
They will actually play together now... which is so nice for Jeff and I.
Today Lily and Ty were at the dining room table looking at their China albums (that is what they call them). Lily's is a toddler lifebook and Ty's is all the pictures we received of him before he came home.
They were sitting right beside each other and Lily was telling him where she is from and where he is from (while pointing to a map of China).
He must have been looking at a picture with children from his orphanage because I then heard Lily say, "Ty, those are your friends in China". She then said, "Don't be sad that you left them because you have Lily now".
I was in the other room listening to this and it brought tears to my eyes because she was right.
She is a blessing to him and he is to her.
I cried reading what Lily said; she has such insight. The red thread linking them together will never be broken; but it will be tested at times. :) Just love their pose in the picture-adorable! Thanks for the update! xo Mom
Oh my goodness....that is SO sweet!!! (tears) Isn't it amazing how God unites our families so perfectly? That is a very funny photo! They sound a lot like Mikayla and Nicolas. When we could not understand Nicolas, Mikayla always knew what he was saying. The love and bond between them is why we are wanting a little sister for Lauren. But I think there is something really special when the duo consists of a big sister and a little brother. Such a perfect combination because girls like to "mother" and boys like to be taken care of. I guess that never changes. heehee
this gives me hope... Lu adores Clara and wants so badly for them to be friends but Clara has yet to "fully embrace" their relationship. Oh the tantrums this girl can throw! I hope to be posting a sweet message like yours on our own blog in the coming months!
I love checking on you guys and enjoy your oics so much. Mel C.
wow. what a story and what a pair. thanks for sharing. hope all is well.
Julie Weber
This is so sweet. It is amazing how God brings people together and makes them the perfect family!!!
Krista @bits and pieces
Aw, your story really brought tears to my eyes. How sweet of her to even understand that he may 'miss' his China friends! That pictures IS gorgeous and at first glance I thought Ty looked like the cutest UPS man (boy) I have ever seen....(something about the brown polo with the yellow in the corner!!) adorable!!
Tiffany, that IS such a sweet story! My girls bicker a lot, also...but they are without a doubt - one another's biggest defenders!!
Love the "strike a pose" picture!
Lily must have really good parents to think to say something so very reassuring and sweet like that. :-)
TOO CUTE!! I LOVE the first picture in your post! That is so adorable of both Lily and Ty! I also love the story you shared. Ty and Lily will always be blessings to one another! :)
It was good to hear from you and to know that you have a family that loves you. I find it heart warming that you and your husband made room in your life to adopt children that need love too.
Your photo skills are creative and show talent. Anyway... may God's Word direct your path. Stay connected.
Amazing how smart little ones can be.I often think we should take lessons from them.
I LOVE that story...how wonderful that they have each other. Ok that picture is the cutes EVER...I mean greeting card cute!
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