Well you all saw the pictures from Ty's first day home when Lily was sitting on Ty's bed... waking him up......
The other day Ty woke up from his nap about 30 minutes before Lily did. Much to my surprise she was actually taking a nap. Lately she is the queen of doing anything but napping or having quiet time as I call it.
I know she is probably past the days of napping but she still needs quiet time. Well, I know I do.
So Ty was VERY excited to wake up Lily.
He could hardly stand it...
You can only imagine how happy she was to be the recipient of his wake up service!!!
She was actually sleeping in her sunglasses...... the other 7 pair and the box we store them in were also in bed with her.

Ty moving in to see all the STUFF in her bed. Lily puts all of these things in the bed while she is suppose to be having quiet time. By some miracle (with all the stuff in her bed) she actually fell asleep.

I can just imagine Lily saying.... what do you think you are doing?

And then a big mood swing to happy and awake

Rolling around on the floor with Lily's pillow (that cute pillow case that is falling off the pillow is a Red Thread Stitch creation)

TY LOVES Lily's room. He loves all of her stuffed animals, her books, her hair barrettes, her pillows, and her Hello Kitty's. OH MY... He actually grabbed Miss Kitty (Hello Kitty) today and gave her a big hug and kiss. Lily told him that was nice but he shouldn't do that again.
Tonight when I was putting Lily to bed she noticed that Miss Kitty was missing. Where do you think Miss Kitty was? You guessed it... Ty's room!
Lily said, "Ty you are so funny, Miss Kitty needs to go to bed with me now, and don't do that again". Followed by a big OK.... Hear me!
Oh Tiffany, I love it! They are settling in nicely as siblings.
The pictures are so cute!!!
Lily is very patient!! Ella would declare a war if anyone ever thought of touching her beloved Pup!!
I love her sunglasses!!!
p.s....we have the same toddler beds. One is collecting dust, because Ella insists on sleeping in our bed. : )
Your kids are so cute! Lily has the most beautiful smile. My brother was adopted and when he was a toddler, he used to sneak into my room during the night and crawl into my bed with me. It's cool how they are getting along so well.
Those two crack me up! I got a real kick out of Lily's sayings. Ty just loves having a sister...and Lily loves her Ty Baby.
Tiffy, your littles are so adorable! I'm still laughing about Lily wearing her sunglasses to nap! She is such a riot. Ty looks so happy and at-home with his sis and new life. You & Jeff are doing a fabulous job! Love you all, Mom
Tiffany, I need to send you some photos of Clara close up, our Guangdong girls look a lot alike! I love your posts and photos!
Mel Chaput, Minneapolis
TY is so blessed to have Lily Bug for a sister & playmate!! Lily seems pretty tolerant :)
Lily is doing such a great job of "nicely" reminding Ty of "the rules"...you are going to have many busy and fun filled days with the two of them!!
Such a cute post!! They are just naturals at being siblings, it seems! Its a God thing. I like those toddler beds! Those babies haveit made, all that fun stuff! Toddler central at your house.
Oh my goodness...I'm busting a gut over here! Thank you for adding some humor to my day! They are so darn cute together! Typical brother and sister already! :) Mikayla likes to boss Nicolas around...and Nicolas like to irritate the heck out of both of his sisters... but when it comes down to it they are best buddies. They are always looking out for one another. Its such a joy to watch. Ty seems like the perfect fit for your family. Love the sun glasses. Lauren likes to surround herself with her "treasures" at bedtime too.
LOVE the pictures! I love that picture of Lily's face after being woken up. They are just SO CUTE together! :)
Darling...just darling....it is going to be a wonderful summer for you! ;)
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