They love their preschool and teachers. Lily likes having Ty at preschool with her.... although she reminds him constantly that she will be going to kindergarten next year and he will still have one year of preschool.
They were posing for back to school photos before I could even get my lens cap off the camera and get the camera set....
I was trying to get this photo before they moved when I almost dropped the camera and snapped this crooked photo....
I was trying to get this photo before they moved when I almost dropped the camera and snapped this crooked photo....

Miss Lilybug striking a pose

I could tell that Ty was a little nervous but that lasted about one minute.... he ran into the school with Lily... singing vacation bible school songs

Getting to work before class starts
I love these happy pictures - they are so precious - and their outfits are adorable. Love their backpacks - and their clothes are so colorful and pretty. Ty is so handsome and Miss Lily is a beautiful diva! Love the littles! Thanks for the smiles and happy blog. Love you, Mom
awww....I am jealous over here. Your 2 are posing before you have the camera ready and I have to BEG my 2 for poses. hee hee!
So glad they are loving school...they have such beautiful smiles!!!
Thanks so much for all of your help with our trip!! We had a great time and are already thinking about when we can go back next. : )
You are a wonderful travel agent and left no stone unturned. Thank you for helping make our trip so special!!!
p.s....we are looking to stay at the Caribbean resort next time. We heard lots of good things about it and it looks really nice! : )
thanks SOOOO much for everything!!
The littles are so cute. I love their backpacks. Where did you get them? Also, love that front door...i love the craftsman style.
Back to school!!!! They look very happy to be there. (Better than crying and not wanting to go!)
Such cute outfits! And backpacks! They're ready for anything :-)
Oh, would you LOOK at these two! Apparently Ty and Lily aren't sick of you and the camera yet...check those sweet little poses out!
Great shots....all the beautiful colors!
When I get my camera out my kids run the other way!
What BEAUTIFUL children you have.
How did I miss this post? :)
Too, too cute!!! Where did you find those backpacks?
What great "first day of school" photos!!!
Have a great weekend!
Oh isn't she just a hoot; love that serious posing with her hip cocked just right! She's hilarious. And Ty, he's just such a trooper going along with his BIG sister. Cute, cute! So good to be home from China and able to check blogs again. Oh how I missed keeping up with everyone. Thank you so much for your comments and following my journey. Sending hugs and kisses...from me and Miss E (and Miss AM too)
OMW....adorable! ;)Love L's strike a pose by the front door....
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