It's Official!!!!
Lily is in the Shoe Club!!!!
To be a member you must know how to tie your shoes.
Lily found out that if she learned this skill she could be in the club.
She is very determined and very good with her cute little hands.
She learned in no time flat and couldn't wait to show her teacher.
She is beyond proud of her new membership!!!

First...LOVE your new header pic!!! So Cute!
and...congratulations to Lily...that is a big deal!!
That is SUPER! What a smart girl!
Great job Lily, well done!
Uggh, I can't see the photos. . .
I will admit however, when I read the post title, I thought she joined the Show Club due to the number of shoes owned!! LOL
Just being honest. . .I love, love shoes! Bad, I know. . .
Can't see the photos, either, but congrats to Lily! She's so very good with her hands and figuring out the mechanics of things.
Way to go Lily!!!!
Congratulations Miss Lil for being in the Shoe Club. Her hands are so sweet - and so graceful. Her enthusiasm for everything is so refreshing. Hugs & kisses to you Lily. Love, Grandma Glenda
Nice going, Lily! We are proud of you!
Love, Auntie Maxine and Uncle Mike
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