It was HOTTER than ever... 89 degrees outside..... a/c in the auditorium broken.... a big audience...... tired kids... tired parents.... 2 rehearsals that went later than Lily's bedtime......same 2.5 hour performance 2 days in a row....
If I sound like I am complaining I am not.... just painting a picture.....
When she got on stage with her class she really performed! I was in tears from the moment she went on stage..... We are all SOOOOO proud of our little dancer (including Ty... he even told her so)!!!!!! She did all of her steps and did them so well.... so graceful. Some of her classmates were watching her to see what the next step was.
All of the students performed in the finale. For the big finale they partnered Lily's age group with an older girl. Lily was thrilled about that .... she loves older girls... and her partner was not only an amazing dancer she was so sweet and took such good care of Lily.
Lily took home a performance trophy (all of the dancers receive them) which she is VERY proud of. Ty was warned NEVER to touch it. He has attempted to touch the far out of reach trophy but realized quickly that was the worst idea ever.
(I keep meaning to take a photo of that most important trophy... will do that soon)
SO what comes next for our little dancer.... she wants to take tap dancing next season and can't wait to get her clack clack shoes. Ty thought he wanted to take tap with her but seems to be changing his mind.
HIS REASON.... Mom, too many girls in tap dance class......

Oh, Lily is so graceful! How could it not have been wonderful? Even if it was hot ;)
And yes, Ty better stay CLEAR away from that trophy! I know how that goes - only in our house it's the other way around!!
Hey - those deleted comments are ME! I was signed in as my mom - couldn't get it changed - WOW!! Sorry!
Stunning...beautiful...gorgeous...breathtaking... Is there even a word to describe these photos of Lily? She looks like a natural for sure and pink is truly her color!
That Ty...he is a hoot!
Love you friend!
My heart is melting. . .It reminds me of my own dance recitals! Peyton just had his "dance" presentation but I'm so behind on my blog. . .He would love your ballerina!!! And tell Ty, that's WHY I think Peyton takes tap - because of ALL of those cute girls - just like Ty's sister!
Love this post. Lily is so beautiful and I can believe she is quite the dancer. Way to go Lily! Can't wait to hear about tap. :)
Awesome photos! Lily is so beautiful and such a ballerina! She performed like a champion and acted much older than her years. Very poised and still smiled throughout the recital. Lily is a champion and Ty was her biggest fan (but don't touch the trophy!) :) Love, Mom
Oh, what a beautiful ballerina!!!! Your Mommy heart must be overflowing with pride!!!
I am a dance Mom, so I totally got your first paragraph! We are lucky to have our recitals in an air conditioned theater, but I know how much work it is to be the mom behind the scenes. Always worth it, but very exhausting. : )
Congrats to your beautiful star!!!
she is georgous. what a graceful ballerina
Wow, take my breath away. I commented on this photo in your flickr stream earlier, it is SO 'in the moment' and she is good at what she does, the ballet I mean. Absolutely amazing! She is going to win some big awards in years to come.
Congratulations Lilah Feifei! You are beautiful and stunning and really ...there are no words.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful ballerina! Such poise.
Dance on, Lily.
Love, Auntie Maxine
OMG - She is growing up - and she is beautiful....
This comment - from Unkle Mike
She looks very elegant and has good form to boot! Wonder what she'll think of tap.
What age does 'too many girls in the class' become a good thing for a boy? heh heh heh...
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