After a trip to a popular chain restaurant (Texas Road House to be exact)..... one we haven't been to in what seems like ages.... but LOVE LOVE LOVE their bread and butter......The littles came home with these hats. Our waitress might have been their favorite person when she handed these over.
After each bite we heard a VERY loud YEEHAW from the little cowboy and cowgirl.... as their new hats were flying in the air or into our meals. Apparently throwing your hat is part of being a cowboy or cowgirl.
They PROUDLY marched out of the restaurant wearing their new hats... while adding YEEHAW's all the way out the door.
The next morning Lily comes down to breakfast and the first words out of her mouth....
Ty follows with
Lily also suggested that they might need cowboy and cowgirl boots......

Oh gosh, they are too cute! :) I think cowboots are in order too Mama! :)
Jill xx
i would SO wear that howdy hat if you would take ME to Texas Roadhouse!! Yumm-O!!
Yeehaw what cuties! Lil & Ty could wear howdy hats or anything and look adorable! I am prejudice, but could they easily be models for the restaurant? They are so happy and it makes me smile just to see their beautiful faces. Thanks for sharing. Love, Mom
It's so much fun when you share little stories from your lives like this one!
The cutest cowboy and cowgirl i ever see! hehe~
Howdy hat is a PERFECT name!! How sweet is that?? I absolutely LOVE the photo of Lily. She is glowing...just like her mama does! Texas Roadhouse is one of my favorites. We've never gotten a howdy hat though. lol
Its always a joy to see pics of your adorable babies!!!
Love ya!
Love it! So adorable and so funny imagining the yee-haws and the marching out of the restaurant. Yes, they definitely need matching cowboots!
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