Yangdong SWI (Social Welfare Institute... orphanage) director and nannies

I sent a small picture book with her to give the director when she visited the orphanage.
Today when I checked her blog I saw this picture and it instantly brought me to tears. The orphanage director is holding the pink book that I sent (the woman to the right is holding a photo book from another Yangdong mom). It seems a million things about this picture brought tears to my eyes.
I thought of......
How it seems like yesterday we were sitting in a room with this very man...... meeting our
Lily Feifei for the first time.
He talked on and on about how she liked her bottle.
I thought of the many days we waited not knowing how many more days our wait would last.
I thought about the job of that director.... he has to take care of so many children with so little.
I thought of all the ways Lily has changed from that first day.
Mostly I thought of how thankful I am that she is our daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to Jill for taking that picture and your friendship....both are wonderful blessings!!!!
Lily then
Lily now

Tiffany, your post brings tears to my eyes as well!! They look so delighted to see updated photos of Lily! You can almost hear the nanny in front saying "ohhhhh". Adoption is such an amazing journey...just knowing that God hand selected this child from around the world to be your daughter....overwhelming! It just makes me so emotional. Lily is a very beautiful little girl and you are all very blessed to be family!
What a sweet moment captured. They are all crowded around, wanting to see the "lucky baby"!!! I believe they tuly care and love to see the updates!!
Yup, that's a tear jerker. What an awesome gift for those who care for Lily and other children to be able to see where they are now and how they're doing. Totally priceless.
Thanks for sharing with us!!
Wiping tears away before commenting. The director and nannies are to be commended; they are such caring and giving souls. Miss Lily is not only beautiful, but she has a spirit that is awesome. God blessed you with your little girl the day she was born; it just took time to work out all the details. Love you and Miss Lily very much, Mom
wonderful to make the connection isn't it?
Oh my goodness, what a treasured picture to have. I know that the first time you saw Lily she took your breath away. Now you can see the look on the Director's face and the workers this time. They seem just as excited to see how she has grown, making the circle complete. Just beautiful! Lily is one beautiful little girl!
I pray the photos we have sent have been received the same way.
These pictures are a wonderful reminder of the joy that Lily Feifei has brought into the lives of so many. It must be very heart warming for her Chinese caretakers to see how she has grown and thrived in her loving environment.
Mike & I are so grateful that you and Jeff had the tenacity to endure the seemingly endless weeks and months of waiting, the never ending stacks of paperwork, all the detailed planning and long travel hours that culminated in a single moment when a tiny little baby girl was brought into a room where you were waiting.
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Love, Auntie Maxine & Uncle Mike
Oh Tiffany, you are so lucky to have this picture. It brought tears to my eyes too when I read Jill's post and now again when I read your post. I look at all their faces gathered around looking at the photo albums and like you, feel like I was just there, in that room, with all of them and Eliza as a baby. We are so lucky to have our daughters. Lily is just so beautiful, Tiffany. Thanks for posting this picture. Big hug to you all.
OMW.....I am crying....what a wonderful thing to see.....this was the best post I read today.....Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family....
Very touching post.
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