This is one of my all time favorite Lily pictures.
I took this with my new lens that Jeff, Lily, & Ty bought me for my birthday and Mother's Day.
Lily had no idea I was taking this. I was standing in the kitchen and she was out on the swing set.
She was climbing and sliding like crazy and then decided she needed a little break.
Tomorrow Miss Lily has 4 crowns put on her back teeth. The dentist says this is from lack of good nourishment as a baby. Many adoptive parents have told me they went through this with their children. The procedure is an outpatient surgical procedure at Children's Hospital. She will have general anesthesia.... thank goodness because I can't imagine how many people it would take to hold her down for 4 crowns. I know this isn't a huge surgery but we are praying it is as painless as possible and over quickly (for Lily, Mom, and Dad).

Ty Baby!!!!!!!! He is such a little sweetie!
He loves the new swing set and he loves to have his picture taken.