After seeing Sophia's Hello Kitty on Steffie B's blog Lily repeated many times, "Lily big kitty too." So Grandma, Lily, and mom went to dinner and then to Build A Bear.
It was so much fun! I'm not sure who enjoyed it more.
Lily and Miss Kitty had matching outfits and Lily picked out a pair of glasses for herself. She had the same pair before but they broke. Obviously we needed a replacement.
She loved all the flop flops (flip flops) available and even ran into the store yelling flop flops.
The ladies working at the store got the biggest laughs out of her.
Lily Big Kitty

I see more flop flops

Scanning Miss Kitty (with sound effects from Lily) and looking very studious with her cool glasses.

Oh Gamma this is so much fun! We should do this all the time.

Only I am allowed to carry Miss Kitty.

At home, in matching dresses, and looking very cute!