Is getting caught up even a possibility?
The littles are both back to school and I have some cute photos and stories to share regarding all that.... hopefully I can get that on the blog before the school year is over.
One of our last summer fun days.....
A trip to the zoo......
Lily wearing the perfect sunglasses for the zoo (her words).....
Seconds after I snapped this photo another monkey came to get this one's attention.
They went off to play and swing from everything in site.
The littles thought this was a riot and commented that it looked like themselves playing.
Because I like owls.....
Momma Bear....
Baby Bear.....
I showed Ty this photo... told him it was a mom and her baby boy....
He laughed his little head off that I got a picture of their bums.
Then he said, "Just like mom and Ty".
He laughed his little head off that I got a picture of their bums.
Then he said, "Just like mom and Ty".