Ty not so happy that his school didn't start for another week and
his Lily was going to school without him.
Our little girl (or shall I say big girl) getting on the bus for the first time.... she said she was a little scared (just a tiny bit mom) but super excited...
I held it together up until I saw these little eyes in the bus window...
Then Ty ran (in the grass) after Lily's bus.....
He was so sad that she went without him....
Nothing a little X Box Connect 4 with Dad couldn't cure...
***When Lily came home she said, "I LOVE SCHOOL".
Here are some of her comments...
*I didn't even miss you guys.
*I have a new friend Ella. She has blond hair and blue eyes.... she looks different than I do... and that is why we like each other.
*Everyone on the bus knew me but I didn't know them... how do they know me?
*I love kindergarten.
Conversation between Lily and her afternoon bus driver....
FYI...When Lily started school it was 90+ degrees that week
Lily~ Do you have the air condition on?
Bus driver~ No air conditioner.
Lily~ Well, I am about to die on here in this heat.
Will you please open the window?
Bus driver~Sure.
Lily~ Thanks that helps a little.
The few weeks before school began Ty started to get a little anxious about it all.
I think the whole institution setting was worrying him.
He thought he was going to jail.... he thought when he was in China that was jail.
Because Ty adjusted SO WELL we tend to forget that he might still get worried.
We talked over and over about it all... assuring him and explaining things.
Seeing Lily come and go on the bus helped a lot. As did his open house.
We made sure that he knew he was only going to school and coming home to his family.
By the time school started his mind seemed at ease.
He loves his backpack but during his bus ride he has removed the little white tag and is working on removing his embroidered name.
Lily told him she was really proud of him.....
I can only imagine what these two were talking about...
Ty baby getting on such a big bus...... the tears started for me right at this moment....
Ty's comments about his first day
I LOVE my snack and recess.
I asked him if he liked his school...
I LOVE it mama!
Well, somehow we survived our littles moving on to buses and school and all the new experiences they are having.
Lily is full of funny stories about her days. She sings all of her new songs constantly. She tells us when all of the boys in her class get into trouble. She is loving kindergarten.
Ty LOVES glitter (his backpack is full of it) and any paint projects. He gets really excited if he has homework (I am sure that will change a few years from now). He continues to enjoy snack and recess. He is also known to fall asleep on the bus ride home. Hee hee