This morning I was making breakfast and also trying to get a ziploc bag of frozen chili out of the freezer when the phone rang. I am quite sure my mind is going or it is gone. I do the craziest things...... the other day I made a BIG pot of chili and decided to freeze some of it. I put it in Ziploc freezer bags and put it on the shelf in the freezer. Being a liquid in a bag it sort of formed to the shelf and the spaces in between (it didn't leak... it is still in the bag). Needless to say it stuck. So, I was in the freezer with a hammer trying to loosen it (another genius idea of mine). That is when the phone call came from our adoption agency. Mind you the whole time Lily is yelling in the background.... I WANT BREAKFAST MOM...... I SO HUNGRY...... YOU HAVE HAMMER IN FRIGADATOR..........
Of course she sees me answer the phone and proceeds to yell....... I NEED M & M.... I NEED FRUIT......
Normally I wouldn't have answered the phone (with so much noise going on from Lily) but I saw the call was coming from our adoption agency.
I am sure they wonder what in the world is going on at our house.
SOOOO back to the call...... we received our LOA (Letter of Approval) today. What an exciting surprise and a HUGE step in this process. This is our official approval from China to adopt Ty.
Our packet of paperwork is scheduled to arrive from DHL tomorrow. Then we wait for Travel Approval. If all goes according to recent time trends we are thinking and hoping travel will be the end of March.
Can I just say YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!
Now I better really get busy!!!! OH MY!
****Check out our new family pictures below****
One of my favorite Ty pictures taken in August right after we got our referral.